Buying Coupons for Promotional Usage?

Hello everyone,

we are thinking about giving you guys the ability to buy coupons for your own shops.
With such a feature we´d like to support you in your marketing efforts or e.g.

  • as a special price for your next community raffle
  • a dedicated present for your most loyal customers
  • useable when you want to give out a special deal for a bulk ordering customer

But before I´d like to know how do you see this offer and what do you think is
important to you.

  • would you use this offer?
  • what budgets are you handling usually when doing social media marketing

Feel free to also vote for this issue :slight_smile:

Hello @Thomas_Spreadshop

Great ! We’ve been talking about it for a long time :wink:
The idea is really interesting. I often wanted to offer my own coupons, as a special price for my community.

Of course, I would!

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Do you have a budget range, that would suit your piggy bank?

Yes this is what I need . I have subscribers that I would like to offer discount to .

I would definitely like this depending on the conditions. I’d like to offer percentage off to try and capture exit intent behavior.