Produkt Range (Produkt Palette)

Does anyone know how to get my designs on the models in “Produkt Palette”?

Hereby the difference between my startpage and J-sign:

yes mate, we imported the startpage from his spreadshop into his wordpress using this code here:

An he used the navigation of wordpress, nearly the same as you did, but he recreated the main navigation for the different shop categories.

Looks very nice! Still I don’t know how he (you) managed to show models INCLUDING designs on the products. I can choose out of 3 options… 2nd and 3rd are with models. But all with blank t-shirts.

Maybe you didn’t enable Product preview?

True, that was intentional. I prefer the one above that: Productassortiment. (Produkt Palette auf Deutsch)
But that one only has blank products without design.

Yes, but this one doesn’t support it :wink:
You can also rename product preview to products if its just the headline?


I know mate… I tried it before, but I just don’t like it because it looks like a shoppingitem (price comes with it) and I want it to look like a fancy menu button.

I read in the blog that Lena’s says it will be able in the future. Guess I have to wait it out. :joy: