Can't print on long sleeves

I wanted to make a cool hoodie with a design on the back and on the sleeves. These are all svg’s.
But when I combine them and select where they need to be printed I can’t put them on long sleeved products. How can I solve this?

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Ahoy @Thijs_Van_de_Putte,

this seems like a bug to me. You made everything correctly - I cant find any mistake. I will forward this issue but can´t promise you that this will be solved very soon.
In the meantime you might start with only 2 printareas on longsleves?
I will give you feedback as soon as I got an answer on this.

Thank you, was searching for weeks to solve this. I have time so i will wait till its solved.

I’ve been dealing with the same issue. I hope this can get resolved soon