Design details too thin?

Hi guys, a design I made was recently rejected for “design quality” reasons. I’m not very experienced with POD stuff, so there may be an obvious error with my design I’m just not aware of. I suspect the details might just be too thin? I made an effort to make sure nothing was thinner than 1.5 mm, but I can’t think of any other issues with it.

Here’s a preview of what the design looks like. I’ve uploaded it as a transparent png.

Does anyone have any idea what the issues may be? Thanks so much for reading.


If there are no halftrancparencies in the png it shouldn´t be a problem.
The thin lines of the tentacles are ok. They can be thin (if you not use it as a vector- design).

I guess the problem is due to these small and islolated flame-ending-fragments, which seem a bit “off” the design and flawed.

Did you try how the design (which is nice by the way) looks like without these (10 or so) line dots- which are the most distanced ones to the maindrawing? Or wouldn´t it be possible to make them a little bigger- that they integrate a bit better in the tribal?

I know its hard- cause they somehow fit into the design and loosing them is loosing some style but on the other hand: They do not integrate 100% in the design.

Hey @Andrew_Double_U,

I cant find that Design in your Partnerarea. Did you already remove it?
I can’t see any issues with this design and if you deleted it from your account you even cant ask the colleages at

I would suggest just to upload it again. If it will be rejected again, leave it in your designsection and ask the colleages whta’s wrong with it.

Hi Rico, thanks for the response.

I did remove the design, as I was planning to edit the lines to be a little thicker and then re-upload it. I wasn’t aware the partner area was visible to others in that way, so that’s good to know. I will try to upload it again as you say. I’m glad to hear there’s nothing obviously wrong with it.

Hi, Nikosmos

I see what you mean about the little flecks being a bit out of place. My original sketch was a bit less stylized so the embers made more sense then. I’ll try out your suggestion and see how that looks. Thanks for the input!