Designs uploaded as svg and under 15x15 but still can't combine

I’m having issues combining designs so that I get front back and sleeve. All of my designs are uploaded as svg, and all are under 15x15, and it still gives me the message “These designs can’t be combined. Please change your selection.” What am I doing wrong?

this is what I see

Hi @Cadofox,

Please write an email to and explain your problem (what products and design ids).

Thank you.

Best regards,

Ahoy @Cadofox and a happy new year!

I forwarded this issue to the corresponding colleagues. Seems to be a bug. Thank you for reporting it. I will give you feedback as soon as we found a solution fo it.

Has there been an update to this? I need to do something similar for a merch launch and am having the same issue


not yet. We’re still on it.

Anything on this yet? I’m having the same issue and can’t make products without this feature.


it seems that we found the issue.
As the sleeves printarea only allow vectorfiles and at the same time the printareas are very small, the uploaded vectorfiles have to be scaled down. As a result the smallest details of the vectorfiles fall below the lower limit of 1,5mm for the smallest tiles and thus the design itself doesnt meet our requirements for the flexprint method.
So the solution is: Create vectorfiles especially for those small printareas with the smallest details larger than 1,5mm.
Then it should work. I tested it with some simple circle-vecors and it worked.

Let me know if you succeeded.
Have a nice weekend.
Best Rico