I have had an account for months and I still can’t upload an image correctly even though they have dimensions of 4000px by 4000px and 200dpi…if I try to upload an image with fewer dimensions it is rejected and with more dimensions it is also rejected. Do you have any tools that can help me??? I use GIM to edit my images but that doesn’t seem to work either…can someone help me
Hi Onix,
can’t you upload designs, because they are not accepted directly after uploading them? Or do you upload them and they are rejected afterwards?
Your uploading vector or pixel graphics? With vector graphics, there are some real issues, cause the system Spreadshirt uses to implement is rather old. Have a look at this part of the FAQ that might help you: https://help.spreadshirt.com/hc/de/articles/206775719-Vektorgrafiken-optimieren
For PNG here: https://help.spreadshirt.com/hc/de/articles/360011212033-Pixelgrafiken-für-den-Druck-optimieren
Me for example is using Affinity Designer and a base size of 4500x4500px with 300dpi. Works nearly every time with PNG.
For SVG max three colors, I normally use only two. Same base dimensions and when saving reducing all options to old SVG versions. Mostly works for me. Sometimes it doesn’t then you have to do it over again. Sometimes it is annoying.
You can also post an example of your design here and we can have a look at it and figure out, what may be wrong with it.
Hello, thank you for responding, my images are png, I use the GIMP program to configure the dimensions indicated on the spreadshirt page (4000px by 4000px) and 200dpi but that doesn’t seem to work, my images are always rejected and the truth is I think I’m wasting my time
Hi Onix,
could you link an example image here in the forum, so that I might have a look at it?
When are the images rejected? Directly after uploading or later on? Does it say something, like “There is something wrong with your image?”
A bit more information would be helpful, to understand the problem, as there should normally be no issues with PNG upload.