Login Problems

Now I’m opening my account, but it doesn’t open. It tells me that I am logged in and there is no login and my account has too many sales and funds too much. Please solve this problem

I ask you to help my account very much and it must be retrieved

Thanks for the screenshot. Now I got what you mean. I will forward this issue to the colleagues and give you some feedback as soon as I have some news.

Waiting for you, but noticeable, my American account is running without any problem

Hey @Alaska_trends.us,

there is no account of yours on our EU-platform. Are you sure about it? And if yes - when did you enter your EU-account last time?

How does this account not have a picture of my sales? My account was working half an hour before I talk to you, it has 385 designs and it has a balance of 68 euros

Even in the search circle, my designs have been deleted and I don’t know what happened to that

I’m on it to figure it out. I dont know if I can give you an answer today but I will find out what happened.

Hey @Alaska_trends.us,

Well, I figured out what happened faster than expected. Due to gross violations of our policies, your account has been deleted. For more detailed information you can contact legal.spreadshirt.net.

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And the money that was in my account how can I get it

Can I recover my account?

As I said: contact legal@spreadshirt.net

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