:spreadshirt: Marketplace Designers: What the Migration Means for You

This is the place to ask questions about the migration from legacy user area to partner area.

We updated our time line for migrating accounts to the new partner area. :grinning: :star_struck:

Hi Lena, I thought that it was automatic to publish designs internationally, but my new designs are not appearing on other markets but are appearing on UK market. Is there something else I need to do?

Yes, sorry meant to put it on this thread… to clarify… the designs uploaded are not visible in .de and .fr showrooms (for example) but are in .co.uk…

Ahoy @ChilliFox

your new designs are not checked yet - therefore only available on the locale where your account was created (co.uk). After our colleagues checked your designs they will be online on all other locales.

I had a short look on some of your new designs and noticed, that you often use a languagemix in your tags - this could cause some trouble with the autotranslation too.
Make sure, that all your tags and description are in same language as your account is (in this case english).


Thanks Rico, that helps loads :slight_smile: Will sort the tags too!


How long does it take to get approval?

It can take up to 14 days. That’s why we introduced online first for the upload domain.

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Ok cool, so in theory should start appearing by end of this week :slight_smile: