Hi all,
Since I make mostly text based designs I have an eye for misspelled words in designs that I see on Spreadshirt. And I must say, there are a lot of misspelled words in designs. Some examples that I have seen in English designs today:
Id - In stead of I’d (aka I would)
Im - In stead of I’m (aka I am)
Were - In stead of We’re (aka We are)
Ledend - In stead of Legend
Queue - In stead of Cue (in billiard sports)
Billard - In stead of Billiard
I saw both ‘queue’ and ‘billard’ are real words in French and/or German, but in designs that are entirely in English (or they should have been) a lot of people use the wrong spelling. This means English speaking customers could order a product by mistake that has misspelled words in them. I think it’s very important as designers to really make an effort to check all of your spelling. Especially when English is not your mother language.
Of course there is creative freedom when it comes to using text, but these very subtle mistakes in most cases don’t belong on products, but they do slip by both designers as well as Spreadshirt. And I would say misspelled products make Spreadshirt and the designers look bad, so what are things that can be done about this?
Kind regards,