Snap guides for badge/breast area?

Hi all,

Did there used to be a snapping guide for placing smaller images on the offset badge/breast area? At the moment it seems a bit haphazard just dragging an image pixel by pixel until it looks right. I know that once it’s in place you can set a template for it, but having a dedicated snap guide for this would make getting going much easier, if possible. Some kind of 3x3 grid option, perhaps? Any other tips for getting the alignment right?


Can you maybe post a screenshot of what you mean exactly?
You want to place a design on the breast area? Where exactly? As I said a screenshot would be helpful :slight_smile:

Hi Lena – certainly, I’ll attach an image.

I was just wondering if there were any plans to extend the design snapping guides beyond just the centre snapping. It’s been a while since I’ve used spreadshirt, and I thought there was an option on the old version to snap off-centre (I might be wrong), like a coarse grid (say, 3x3, or 3x4).

Or if you have any tips for breast placement, I’d be grateful to hear them. At the moment I’m just placing by eye, just above the armpit, so if there are any other rules about the best size and placement for this area, please let me know, as I’m finding myself continually tweaking the placement slightly.

Right now I undestand what you mean. I’ll ask the partner area team whether such changes are planned :slight_smile:

Why was this featuere removed in the first place? :thinking: I used it a lot and it made my products look consistent with all chest designs at the same place on products. Please bring it back.

It does exist for the vertical and horizontal line. So the feature that is being spoken about now is a feature that we never had in the first place. There are no such plans to implement it in the near future but I’ll let you know should something change!

Yes, you DID have it in the first place. We could center the design horizontally or automatically place it at pocket position.

You can still center the design vertically or horizontally. In you screenshot I don’t see the pocket position feature…?

I think the symbol to the right just above the text “position” in the picture is what is meant. The arrow pointing up to the right at a small ‘x’.

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Thanks for clarifying. This feature won’t come back any time soon (mainly due to changes in our print area sizes and methods) but we will keep you updated should any developments in this direction happen.