updateMetadata not working

I have my own page with embedded script.

But when i try to share products it do not update the OG meta value or title, description and so on.

check it out on https://iammurai.com

What can i do?

We have checked your shop and it is working. So we guess the problem is with your expectation how it works. What we support is sharing with the buttons which are on the page. Using just the url and expecting the right preview is not possible for javascript integrated shops as all social platforms only look at the generated HTML and don’t execute any javascript. So they see the page before the shop is added to the page and can update the meta data.

Hope this helps!

Thx for fast awnser.

So the buttons is not woking.

Go to the product page

Click the button

And then the head URL show up

/BR Patrick

There is nothing we can do about this issue on our end. This is a commonly known issue with shops that are integrated in your own website. It does work if you directly link an image from your standalone shop.