Migration for remaining API users will happen THIS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th.
In case you haven’t heard already, we’ve been working on the migration from our Legacy user area to our upgraded Partner Area. It’s faster, more user-friendly and has a shiny interface as well as many new useful features.
Unfortunately, not everyone will be migrated in the normal migration process. Find out why below and what you potentially need to do before the automatic migration in order to keep your shop running.
Are you using a third-party Wordpress plugin to integrate your Shop in your own Website?
If you are using an unofficial Wordpress plugin, your shop will most likely malfunction upon migration mid-September. We therefore highly recommend you use our official plugin. Want to keep your current plugin? Get in touch with your plugin’s creators to keep your Shop running.
Also, if you’re using any other third-party plugins, they may also stop functioning after migration.
Did you code your own Shop using the API?
Here are your next steps:
- Please check our developer blog:https://developer.spreadshirt.net/display/API/Migration+Tutorial to see the final version of the API.
- Check in your implementation where you use article information or product information - replace this as described here: https://developer.spreadshirt.net/display/API/Migration+Tutorial in order to see if your changes work before the migration:
Use the test shop to check the data setup:
- Shop Name: shop-api-migration-example
- Shop-ID: 100488332
- https://shop.spreadshirt.de/shop-api-migration-example/
This is no new API you need to move to but an adjustment of the current version.
Migration will happen mid-September (you will be informed a week before migration).
Did you use Productor (API) to create your products?
If so, your Partner Area will be upgraded around mid-September. In your new Partner Area, you’ll have access to our speedy and intuitive interface. Your product creation will be based there in the future. (Don’t worry, it’s easy and we’re sure you’re going to love it.)
Please contact us in case of any further questions. We are happy to help make your transition a smooth one.
PS: Please read our blogpost carefully to understand what will not be migrated.
@Alex-Spreadshirt edited: Link to Spreadshirt Developer Blog